If starting new means rough edges, where the heck is my nail file?

This is me entirely unscripted.

Thursday, December 31, 2009



I want to wish all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! I will be taking a break this new year and sit at home with my children, dogs and cat. I believe that is where God wants me to be. I might even be sleeping when the New Year rolls in.

What I have accomplished:

Last year I didn't believe that I would find a person who would want to occupy space with me. I did and it is grand.

I lost all my child support, but it has taught me to be self sufficient:)

I have kept my children happy.

I've gotten one more step closer to finishing school.

And finally,

I walked closer to God this past year than I ever have in my adult life.

What I plan to accomplish next year....UMMM I'll keep you posted.

Top of the list, however, is not allowing people to take advantage (not naming any names, you know who you be.) of my warm friendliness.

Who knows this might be the year I finally say "I Do." Hoping it will stick.

With that I bid you a fond farewell 2009 and come dance 2010.


Pop one for me! Among other unnamely things;)



Worst Girl Friend Award...day 3

I am a self proclaimed worse girl friend.

Apprently when a man says that he wants you to tell him everything, he usually means everything pertaining to him and his plans...And men you can say all day long this isn't true. Look at the facts.

1) When you make plans to go out with the guys, it's usually not the fact that you are going with the guys...its the fact that you waited till time to go to tell her.

2) If you don't explain somethings, of course we aren't going to get it.

3) I you do not repeat back what you do not understand and say in the beginning of the conversation that you do not understand then...well you just don't get it.

4) If you think you know what we are saying...think again, and stop reading into it. We are not Sports Illustraited.

5) Just to let you know that some girls thrive on fights...I AM NOT ONE OF THEM...STOP COMPARING ME TO YOUR EX.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Deep breath...

MMMM...GREEEEEEEM..(N) hehehe. I know that is probably one of the many dorky things I will do. But I found it to be amusing :) I am well aware of this part of me, and actually find it quite comfortable.

So today is day 2 of the 100 day challenge.

Today thus far I have eaten and OJ sandwich and a shortcake sandwich..ew you say well just sooo happens it was made in the famous kid cusine resturant...that's code for some kiddos were playing house and igniated me to play with them. Kids learn through play....

That's just it...too many times adult want kids to be quiet, tell them to go to to their room, and leave them alone. I know I am quite guilty. I want my peace of silence with my hands off attitude; however, how do kids learn?

Ask yourself if my child is acting crazy, bouncing off the walls, not listening, hitting, saying words that shouldn't be uttered. Take a full length mirror and a permenant marker and start listing your behaviors and you will see where your "kid gets it from." It not society's fault that your kiddo is acting like a monster it is your own. When you go to the daycare teacher and say " I just don't know where he/ she gets it from...blah blah blah." STOP RIGHT THERE! because let me explain this to you...he/she gets it from you. You don't think I haven't done the mirror trick??? Guess again, how do you think I know it works.
(BTW: Perm. marker is quickly wiped off with rubbing alcohol.)

It is no secret that my oldest daughter isn't completely rotten...she is. But she is loving all at the same time.
Say hello to J.D.G. My oldest, age 4.
Trading her in just isn't an option, though I have threatened to take her back to Wal-Mart, and ask for my refund.
JDG has a bit of a discipe disorder, she does not reconize authority. She knows when someone doesn't treat her the same as everyone else and believe me the consquences of that action is quickly brought to justice. When JDG was 2 she felt that her teachers did not like her...and let me tell you she took care of it with a vengence. She kicked, bit and even scratched her teachers. Well let us just say that I quickly had her removed and life got better. I love her very much but for this single mama...sometimes it is very trying...Thank my sweet God, he is looking out for me.
Through lots and lots of prayers and faith he has had his hand on my little family and holds us together.
I do the mirror trick when life with JDG seems to get untolerable. It brings things back into perspective...
Lator Gators :)

I had to do this a second time around would not let me sign in...99 days and counting :)

Isn't pretty..till the house burns down

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Advice...Never ever underestimate a child...The things that you think you know about a child laugh it off and start new. People think that they do not understand...Well your wrong. It's okay as an adult to be wrong :). Brush it off and chalk it up to great experiences. If you really think you have child proof your home, (LOL) Think again! Lemme share this: My lovely daughter at age two openned a child proof bottle...not only one but two, in a matter of seconds. I freaked called poisen control, they sent ambulance, firetrucks and police cars. I was afraid as a single mother that they were going to take her away. Neglect. However they didn't, the ambulance driver told me a story about her daughter and fingernail polish. whew! I just shrugged it off and moved on. The great thing was nothing came back in her toxology report and the world was right again.

Write this down:


Posted by prityflwr at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

{Read this one backwards lol...thats what happens when your mobile :) kisses}
l polish...there's a pretty safe bet if your acting like a 'girl' your probably a man. Kisses, Al
Posted by prityflwr at 7:00 PM 0 comments

me point. My point is if a dog looks blue it's black, if a snake can jump 10ft walk the other way or if the run in my pantyhose can be fixed w fingernai
Posted by prityflwr at 7:00 PM 0 comments

things than those of the female variety. They also can be the most picky and self centered creatures...truthfully all humans fall in this catagory at so
Posted by prityflwr at 7:00 PM 0 comments

ind well... a decidant woman. Meaning they themselves are woman like. Lemme explain...I know more men who like to shop, gossip and personally gripe about
Posted by prityflwr at 7:00 PM 0 comments

Boys...emm men they really are like women. Some like to fish, hunt and other caveman behaviors; however, down under the masculine parade of manhood you f
Posted by prityflwr at 7:00 PM 0 comments

Feng Shui
Whaaaaa whaaaa whaaaa...I am soooo fustraited once again...It seems that my life can be and is at time mystical joke. Sigh...I know this sounds like some whiney rant about how the world is injustice. It appears to be that the Feng Shui of my life is not in balance. I am curently not sure how to get in back in to the moment where bunnies, butterflies, and flowers bloom at my feet.
I turned 31 a couple of days ago and looked back...jeez where is all the crap I said I would do?

1) I am once again over weight about 85 lbs over

2) I am divorced and cannot stick in a relationship

3) sooooooooo over stressed I just cant stand myself

4) Way to burn to give a damn.

OKAY!!!! thats it! I am changing; however, it all has to start on the inside of me. I figured people write dripple in their daily diaries, I needed a daily diary to write in myself. So let the healing begin! Little about me I am a single mother...never thought I'd a be a mother at all however, the shoes have been tied. I love my kids, I love my kids, they are fustraiting and anger me but I love my kids. They give me smiles love and sometimes make me say "WWWWWWWWWHAAAAATTTT!!???" I never really was sure that I wanted to be a mother, so I get really really angry when people think that I am not a good one. People can give you a bunch of advice on how to raise your child better, HAHAHHAHA. Lemme be the first to tell you that even Dr. Spock, had a bad egg. I shouldn't speak ill of the dead but seriously, you really think you can give someone else advice on their children, get your head examined. I have worked with children for 13 years now; lemme tell you each child is different, each parent is different.

It is up to you to decide for your child. Don't let someone else tell you that your not a good parent and give you advice on what may or may not work.I have been single off and on for 4 years...quite frankly it is time to find someone to gather my life up with nurture the part of me that isn't dead. I have been sooooo bitter and incomplete since my divorce the minute that I believe I let someone else in....I find a way to demolish it. Same with manly friendships that get tooooo close. I believe that Daniel is the only male friend I have that I haven't pushed away. He makes me feel comfortable and needed. Weird huh. I have sought help for this particular weirdness, alas! It has not worked.
What is wrong with me...I do want to be complete with someone. I want men to find my age and body attractive. Usually they do, but it is never the right kind of guy. So I am doing what all the books say to do I am on a mission to find the right kind of guy. May take me another 4 years but he's out there and he is looking for me too. Or I just might be married 10/10/2010. Who knows Ill keep who ever is going read this updated. Again this is where my mother wants me to settle. But to that I say "I'd rather be the crazy goat lady.." before I allow that to happen again. Not that I settled but I believe If I would have waited then...well I would have found that guy that would have introduced me to a guy who knew a guy that set me up with his 3rd cousin once removed and that guy would have had a friend who would have been my prince :) sigh...one to hope and wish. [yep that's me]Now the fat issue...I am a proclaimed overeater. When I get sad candy, pop and all the other yummy junk passes through my lips to my gullet. I have planned a hiking trip and there is noooo way I am lugging a backpack and all this fat with me. I would be dead because knowing my luck I'd be mistaken for a boulder. Besides my hiking buddy is fit and I need to keep up with him. I want to walk until my legs fall of lol.

Loss a mini. of 53 lbs by March 30
That gives me 3 months.
make meal plans
work out [that I know how to do]

This would be my hiking buddy, Bobby.------>

Well thats it for me Later days :)